12.8.61. Silent. Tokyo, Japan. 'The Seventh World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs For Promotion of Total Disarmament.' Marchers in street with flags and banners (majority in Japanese). Man beating drum while marching. Students marching and holding pictures. Dr. Earle Reynolds marching and clapping. Long shot of large crowd.
A Cuban in military uniform shaking hands with members of the crowd. The front of the hall: people sitting at head table.
Sound. US delegate, Robert Moore, speaks at podium. Cuban delegate enters to rapturous applause, he raises hand as he walks through crowd to the podium.
15.9.61. Sound. Smithtown, New York. Mr and Mrs. Bauman explain decision to leave New York and move to Chico, California due to fear of nuclear attack.
8.11.61. Silent. New York. Women demonstrating against nuclear testing, some have children with them. High angle shot of balloons with slogan, 'Women Want Peace' being released.
Sound. Arthur Dean addresses the crowd of women. Discusses America's use of nuclear weapons and necessity for nuclear weapons in self-defense against Communism.
Young woman is interviewed. Women are frightened and feel that until now, the men have made a mess of things.
12.12.61. New York. Professors Salvadori and Melman of Colombia University oppose fall-out shelters. Melman states that against thermonuclear attack, depending on these shelters would be "desperately futile". Salvadori states that their construction would force both US and Soviets to think more about war.