No sound. Group of men, including religious speakers, shaking hands.
Vietnam. Planes dropping bombs and soldiers with guns.
Vietnamese soldiers walking along dirt road. Vietnamese civilians captured, some wearing bandages and blindfolds. Prisoners tied together, walking towards building.
Soldiers firing guns ambushing town. Debris from broken ornaments on floor. Soldiers drinking from bottle. Footage of wreckage left behind.
Vietnamese women and children huddling together.
Sound. American reporter interviewing Lt. Col. Marcus Gravell. Explosions can be heard in background. Camera pans to wreckage all around them.
Civilians picking through rubble of buildings. Families leaving village. Buildings and trees destroyed. Vietnamese woman singing and crying.
Vietnamese refugees crossing bridge with boxes of possessions.
Senate committee. Senators discussing Vietnam.
No sound. Planes dropping bombs on Vietnamese villages.
Young Vietnamese women and children pushing bikes. Civilians walking through a street chaperoned by soldiers. People running down street. Armed soldiers surround houses. Close-up of cars with bullet-holes in windscreen.
US troops surveying Vietnamese civilians as the flee their homes. Wreckage of houses and buildings.
More scenes of bombs being dropped. US troops fill pit with shells and sandbags.
US and Vietnamese military officials in tactical discussions.